How can we help? You’ll find lots of information below on setting up your account and using Waterkaarten.
If there’s anything we’ve missed, send us an email. We’re here 7 days a week during the sailing season to help you navigate waterways safely by app (outside the sailing season on weekdays).
My subscription
- Will I lose my remaining subscription/credit balance if I buy or renew?
- How do I change my email address or delete my account?
- How can I request a refund?
- What payment options are there?
- The app is not showing the right number of days left on my balance
- How does the route planner work in the Nautical Maps app?
- How do I post a review, photo or Skipper tip?
- How can I download the nautical maps to use offline?
- How do I open a shared route (.KMZ or .GPX file)?
- Can I choose another language?
- How can I customise the map display?
- How do I plan, change or share a route?
- What is the boat dimensions feature for?
- How can I let the map ‘run’ with my boat?
- How can I centre the map on my position?
- AIS Checklist
- Tips and questions on AIS
- What does the AIS display in your app look like?
- How do I connect my Quark-Elec AIS device to the app?
- How do I connect my Em-trak AIS device to the app?
- How do I link my AIS receiver or transceiver to the app?
- How do I activate and use the AIS+ function in the app?
Map information
- Where can I find the almanack info?
- Where can I find the map legend?
- Where can I find current information that affects navigation?
- How can I report an error or a correction?
- Where does the information in the app come from?
My devices
- Which operating systems does the Nautical Maps app support?
- Can I transfer my routes between PC and tablet or phone?
- Does the Windows software also work with an internal GPS?
- How can I link my Windows licence?
- What kind of GPS do I need?
- What are the system requirements for Windows?
- Are my routes available on all paired devices?
- On how many devices can I use the app?
- How do I connect my iPad wifi (without GPS) to my iPhone?
- How do I sign in with a second (and third) device?