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How do I link my AIS receiver or transceiver to the app?

You can link your own AIS device to our app via a wireless wifi network. In the video above, we link the app to Em-trak transceiver’s wifi network, but any other AIS device can do so as long as it has its own wireless wifi network. No internet connection is required.

This is how to link your AIS device to the Waterkaarten app

  1. To connect your own AIS device to the Waterkaarten app, first connect your smartphone or tablet to the wifi network of your AIS device
  2. Open the app, go to profile page and tap ‘AIS devices’
  3. There you will see that you can add your AIS device. Tap ‘Add AIS device’
  4. Connect via TCP, enter the name of your transponder and tap ‘Next’
  5. Enter the IP address of your AIS device and tap ‘Next’
  6. Enter the port of your AIS device and tap ‘Save’
  7. You will now see your device listed, and you will see in green, ‘Connected’

Tap the cross in the top right to go directly to the chart view. There you will see that the AIS-Pairing icon is still white. Tap it to activate AIS, and you will see the shipping traffic sailing around you in the app. 


The AIS link is compatible with almost all AIS receivers and transceivers with a wireless (wifi) network. We ourselves tested mainly with Quark-Elec and Em-trak AIS devices.

Quark-Elec wifi networks:
Wireless network password: 88888888
IP address:
Port: 2000

Em-trak wifi networks:
Wireless network password: emtrakais
IP address:
Port: 5000

Note: Garmin and Raymarine AIS devices do not transmit AIS over wifi, and to use GPS, a Garmin and/or Raymarine device requires a plotter. If you want to see AIS from your Garmin or Raymarine AIS device in our app, you will need a multiplexer to connect to our app.

For more information on AIS in the Waterkaarten app, go to: AIS Pairing. If you have a question or comment, please contact us at support@waterkaarten.app.