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How do I open a shared route (.KMZ or .GPX file)?

How to import a route:


  1. Tap the .KMZ or .GPX file
  2. Tap ‘Share file via…’ and then on ‘Open in…’
  3. You can now open the file with the Nautical Maps app. When you select the Nautical Maps app, the app imports the file automatically. You will receive confirmation in the app that the route has been successfully imported
  4. You can find the route under ‘Saved routes’ by tapping the search bar at the top of the app


  1. Tap the .KMZ or .GPX file
  2. Open the file with the Nautical Maps app
  3. You can find the route under ‘Saved routes’ by tapping the search bar at the top of the app

Download and open routes on the Nautical Maps website:

Starting 2022, it will be possible to download .KMZ and GPX routes from the Nautical Maps website to the app with a single click:

  1. Open the webpage with the link to the route on your phone or tablet
  2. Click the link on the page to download the route
  3. You’ll receive confirmation in the app that the route has been successfully imported
  4. You can find the route under ‘Saved routes’ by tapping the search bar at the top of the app