Complete routes

Prepare your trip thoroughly with comprehensive itineraries between your starting point and destination

Quick and easy

Plan your route automatically or manually, before you travel or while you are already on your way

Alternate routes

Easily find and discover alternate routes to and from a specific location

Complete routes

Prepare your trip thoroughly with comprehensive itineraries between your starting point and destination

Quick and easy

Plan your route automatically or manually, before you travel or while you are already on your way

Alternate routes

Easily find and discover alternate routes to and from a specific location

What our users are saying


Very user friendly app. Functions perfectly. After entering your vessel data, it’s easy to prepare routes. I already have my routes in Friesland ready for sailing.

- ton buijs

Well-functioning route planners

I have often used this app on the water, but after the latest update with automatic route planners I am completely thrilled. Clear display of operating times and all other necessary information for water sports enthusiasts.

- Pietka52


I use the app very regularly and sail all over the country. I think it works very well and is pleasant to work with. Satisfied!!

- Wilkin den Boer

Nautical data

Complete with water maps of 4 countries, bridges, locks, marinas and more

Current information

Opening times of marinas, bridges and locks, current sailing info, blockages and more


Sail safer with an even more complete picture of vessel traffic en route

Offline use

Download the complete water maps for offline use and avoid surprises when sailing

Regular updates

Get free access to all new functionalities with a subscription

Personal service

Customer service 7 days a week via our helpdesk

Nautical data

Complete with water maps of 4 countries, bridges, locks, marinas and more

Current information

Opening times of marinas, bridges and locks, current sailing info, blockages and more


Sail safer with an even more complete picture of vessel traffic en route

Offline use

Download the complete water maps for offline use and avoid surprises when sailing

Regular updates

Get free access to all new functionalities with a subscription

Personal service

Customer service 7 days a week via our helpdesk

Try the first 7 days for free now


See also


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Almanack info

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